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[代练] ● ovulation



3 小时
发表于 2015-6-25 00:53:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In 1989, still in the embrace of family Carole (a pseudonym) and Dr. Chen Yuanben (front left) and former director of Kwong Wah Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, obstetrics renowned expert Ye Huan love (front row) photo. Carole party courtesy-year-old (a pseudonym) and Dr. Chen Yuanben photo. Party courtesy% ~! |3 Z8 G, Z1 I
In two months, a college sophomore Guangzhou female girl Carole (a pseudonym) who is 20 years old., q" ~- R9 C" ^$ j& C! d% `
?2 `) R' u( y! t* [0 W# Y: ^- U% b
Liwan housed in ordinary houses, she sat in the middle of a quiet mom and dad. Round face, neat, short hair, big eyes, "looks with her mother a look." Difficult for outsiders to guess, she is Guangdong Province, "the first" test-tube nurture life. July 15, Big Daddy holding 4 albums, Carole's childhood memories. She is the princess of the house, both riding on the carousel,, or that nestled in the tree edges.% P8 I; i/ k$ n3 q0 h. A. _
* ~2 I) u+ ]% H  t- m; QPregnant
2 B" n8 ]9 S2 ^  |?
' L# l8 Y! t$ \$ K$ bSince the cause ectopic tubal blockage, Carole's mother, like other mothers could not produce as natural conception." N) r" B- W" |1 d
?4 Z  I1 o; Z7 ]4 ^  U1 [
Carole's father traveled to the hospital in Guangzhou,Louboutin Talon Compensé, Zhongshan Hospital, Provincial Women and Children, City, maternal and infant ...... ask around how can give birth to a healthy baby. In 1987, Chen,, director of reproductive families Yuanben Second City People's Hospital (now Kwong Wah Hospital) and his colleagues are studying the subject of IVF,, has entered human trials. Dr Chan recalled that he had specially invited two experts to help the United States to develop its own medium, and conduct preliminary human trial batches. Up to two foreign experts can leave Guangzhou, did not succeed. Carole's parents did not dare eat it first crab.. m  P  O4 H* [0 F% ]
?/ d2 F3 u( N4 ]4 J4 ^3 K
In 1988, Carole's mother 31 years old. The couple decided to be bold a stroke. Although the couple monthly income of only 100 dollars, although half a year in advance Trustee ovulation drugs from Hong Kong to buy expensive, although the cost of IVF needs two million, they bet on their future. "Do not worry, do not back down, even if unsuccessful should be comfortable with."4 e$ g  }! y; F- u) `
?) \, P* E" [/ H3 o/ W# C$ }
With the end, Carole's mother was pregnant. The reaction has been found in the pregnancy, the couple surprises with the pain.9 e: V7 E8 a0 D. W
?$ @1 D4 |% E( J4 w& `; o+ C
% r7 \$ n( {2 v/ l; w8 |9 q?
; K) D1 d% u& JAfter confirming the pregnancy, from December 1988 to April 1989, Carole's mother has been lying in a hospital ward. That was my father's life busiest five months. He even get 24 hours care in the ward wife special approval. At 23:00 on September 15, 1989, Carole's mother amniotic rupture.
- a1 h& ~# r, O& A$ i' g?
$ r' _' i. y, p) q' w, ?% M9 bTo the hospital, Dr. Chen, who lives in Yuexiu North Yuanben back surgeon specialized midwifery. The next day 2:25, cesarean section, Carole birth. Perhaps taking fertility drugs, miscarriage influence of drugs, a few days before the full moon, Carole suddenly out of blisters and even bleeding. Dr. Chen Yuanben hugged children, taken care of. Despite missing parents planned banquet guests full moon wine, but Carole's immunity, health, intelligence and other children did not make any difference.
% i2 h) n/ U2 e, J" @% V?
# a! F; k& h0 e2 H% e8 [  l* R0 zCarole and her parents is fortunate. Not only because she was born as early as one day become the first in Guangdong. It is reported that after the first, the second test-tube baby is born, "as if back five or seven have failed." Carole's parents sigh.
# ]+ W$ g7 o5 K+ ~" ??
) p( }! C4 d4 t$ O4 rLife experience
+ L2 @/ F" q% L0 {+ i?
( t' P1 K1 y2 k% U( o; _- S# gAlthough children born too difficult, but Mom and Dad are not particularly spoiled. Naughty time, Carole will still take a beating.
+ X, T5 a. z* }1 y8 j?* r+ K2 a3 t% c' t5 k; U
Of course, in her mind, my own parents is the greatest. Small, she never felt what she and the other kids are not the same. She also wrote an essay "My father and mother", "From the perspective of everyday life to write, nothing special." Parents are always nagging learn all the details in life, Carole will be tired,, but not dare contradict their parents,Louboutin Sandales, really depressed,Louboutin Mariage, a person angry.4 N# U, q! X" ?9 g4 S" Z
?. |8 ^8 H0 H/ P. B
At first, she did not know his own special "status." You can always go to visit family every year Dr. Chen Yuanben. Junior high school, she guessed what muddle. In high school, she was fully aware of his "life experience." No one knows that she and other children "different", she would not take the initiative to talk with the students. In her view,, everyone has their own special place. Certainly not an ordinary man himself.2 C$ w4 i9 b9 d7 Y- ]8 I* q) E' ]
?8 X$ q1 G' S3 ]& a; m
Future# g6 g" e4 J5 [3 u, f
+ S/ H! q" X5 a; w  i! g- r: g: YLearning, Carole's father and mother always complained that her side branches.$ _. `( q/ P" L, P
5 O& A6 N/ m6 e$ ^  f5 q8 ZCollege entrance examination, her language, mathematics exam, 110 multisection. "Writing is often praised teachers, physical points higher ......" If it did not pass the exam in English, she can be admitted to a better university. This is Carole 20 years, the most confusing thing. Now, her English is not good, "Summer English classes also reported it."
$ A$ k8 \( W! w7 p- r* j?; N$ z8 w- Y; E$ _9 w! F
Her parents did not learn accounting in accordance with the design, and the like Hayao Miyazaki's animation always like coating applied on paper to wipe the girls ultimately choose the computer animation professionals. School animation festival, she also one dress, "CO SPLA Y had Miyazaki works Suzuki." She admire those girls on stage makeup, "In fact, they really need to do is courage ......" She did not expect to do that kind of animation master Hayao Miyazaki famous. In her view, be able to do the work of professional counterparts, such as advertising, it has been very good.1 h3 \$ ~% Q8 d7 [
?3 ]4 g2 t& U( J% [
■ Doctors memories
" w# {  X+ Y1 H& L, ]: K: ~?, I7 C' t# @; J8 C/ {9 k: L% F! e- U7 }
Guangdong's first test-tube baby surgeon who recalls that when the difficult process of exploration+ m, n% e  s4 r: H' w
7 ~1 I- g& Y  L" hDinghushan spring do zygote broth" }" ?$ Y7 d4 W
4 e8 F/ u) {4 a5 `0 n) H20 years ago, the hand surgeon will implant a fertilized egg in a test tube wife Liu mother, followed by the surgeon himself into the world of the Carole doctor, director of reproductive Division Second City People's Hospital (now Kwong Wah Hospital) of Chen Yuanben, recalled the case 20 years ago, the memory becomes more fragmented. But his English is very good in front early in the country's first test tube baby was born, it has been by foreign students began to focus on the project of scientific information. In 1986, Kwong Wah Hospital on and Jinan University, Guangzhou Shi Jisheng IVF Institute jointly carry out cooperation projects. The following year brought in American experts and professors specialized processes and techniques. Then according to their method of teaching, we did a group of 20 people, without success. Then explore on their own more than a year, and finally in late 1988 the two women successfully conceive a child.
0 J4 c8 i. G4 ?+ b3 q+ p. T+ ]?
; N* S8 p7 {3 K* H* vGuangzhou Reproduction and Genetic Laboratory director Xiao Sun also involved in the whole process put first test-tube babies. He recalls, because there was no standard of assisted reproductive technology procedures, but also a lack of standard commercially available reagents, broth,, doctors need to self-exploration and configuration. Because the water was part of the role of culture in a very important, Guangzhou has been unable to find a suitable time ultra-pure water, and finally director Chen Yuanben Dinghushan led us to extract the mountain spring water,Louboutin Soirée, distilled 30 times, only configure a high purity of the medium. After using this medium, Guangzhou City, the first and second test-tube baby was finally successful. In addition, since the time of egg retrieval technology is not perfect, and no transvaginal oocyte retrieval equipment and technology. Only abdominal drilling, laparoscopic egg retrieval, which also results in lower success rate at the time. After years of exploration and academia to explore the theory and deepening, combined processes, reagents, culture medium are standardized and commercialized,, the success rate naturally increased.$ t4 p& m1 t0 u4 T
?4 a( v( ^- ~' I$ _' N2 K' Z
■ Links+ V; d- m" k  q/ e+ e  n* l
?% K) ]( Z, `6 @- L7 e, B
IVF success rate of development to 40 percent from 5 percent
4 h% ^# x& M# A" c; t?
/ d  W6 \. ]  I' V6 e"Test tube babies" are not really grow up in a test tube babies, but take out a few eggs from the ovary, in the laboratory so that they and the man's sperm, forming embryos,, then transferred the embryo to the uterus, so that in implantation in the mother's womb, pregnancy.; ]4 J' Q/ z0 B
?: w9 M& Y# @- E( ^/ r, t
The world's first test-tube baby was born in 1978. In 1989, Guangdong's first test-tube baby in the Second City People's Hospital (now Kwong Wah Hospital) was born.
9 |0 U" J& n2 y6 R8 _( w0 ??
0 E. F$ `* w: f6 S/ C2 RIVF costs typically include the costs of ovulation induction drugs and surgical and laboratory operating costs, in Guangzhou, do a test-tube baby in the average cost of about 30,000 yuan.. K8 q# p& v* Z) Q" M9 p# _
' H8 d: J1 Y7 iAccording to the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen,Louboutin Plates-forme, Professor of Reproductive Medicine, the main  right to introduce: "After 20 years of development, we can say now the country 'test tube baby' technology has become mature and stable, the surgical success rate from 5 percent in the early 1990s stable To the present 40%. "Meanwhile, Zhou Can the right to remind the public: do" test-tube baby "must comply with the relevant provisions of the state, unnatural conception still take some risks.
' _9 b) A3 ~6 w( ~/ G?) c7 a. V8 P, f& y3 R3 B6 \" i4 N
The main step test tube baby
! M/ S, B& s: |8 Q0 N, X9 w?
3 R  A" y3 m; e; U1 S9 M0 P# `3 J● ovulation2 d2 x3 ]; c( j
  A7 u7 T$ G# X+ O, Z; i3 a3 d: MUsually the first drug use down-regulation, inhibition of LH secretion in vivo, and then injected ovulation induction drugs (gonadotropin) every day to get multiple follicles.
/ p$ k5 y, x/ M6 R8 B: l# E?
9 X) X- @' m' z/ G1 S8 x- d● COH
) J9 c, g  @) K6 k! g, e, X?. M0 U9 z7 _( C1 M, G: }7 g8 z: @) Y
In the state of sedation and analgesia with a needle through the vaginal ultrasound probe to take the egg. With a vaginal ultrasound probe suck eggs guidelines to ensure the correct needle position can be introduced in each follicle. Available per woman 10-12 eggs. It may take less than a handful of eggs.6 M4 U# q, _8 D& d
?* \( n7 o7 w4 N' q( e) s0 Z4 Q
● fertilization# L) Y6 k' I! H
?  G* N$ w& g# R% m
The collected eggs placed in a special broth. Into a petri dish with sperm in each egg before, we need to be checked and confirmed under a microscope. Meanwhile, fresh or frozen semen also require special handling. Fertilization process takes about 12-15 hours, it can be confirmed under a microscope.  ?& ~: I0 f, t# y- y! ]
* x2 A7 j- Z& D1 E% w9 H- b● embryo transfer" l) j# D' b' A5 K0 y
! H; Q1 K4 I, j2 D0 R7 P$ U9 ]8 B; LIn 48 hours or 72 hours after the ovum transplant embryos. The thin plastic tube containing the embryos through the cervix into the uterine cavity, gently embryos transferred to the uterus. After about two weeks, you can understand whether the pregnancy by pregnancy test.  s' h7 V. |+ ~- t6 \" D
0 s6 J1 e( V: x9 Q. |Edition have written: reporter intern Ma Yue Yan Yan Wang Daobin
3 {( ~  ~$ N; C0 D/ a: o! j; z; r?+ o' A+ p+ Y! t# O& _! n0 N
Correspondent Chen Qi Ge Feng Kun Su Yumin. _' J0 @/ i- p& K# \; t& }, i
* F8 n  ~; |  \+ q  E4 t# ~- \Edition photography: reporter Zhao Yanxiong
Louboutin MariageLouboutin Pas cher[url=
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